I could not pony up the excess brain power to produce a witty, thoughtful or even semi interesting blog post this week. Multiple streams of other thought and study relating to our life here in Litein prevailed. Next week I will branch out from the casualty department at the hospital where I have been working and make my way to the ICU (HDU as it is called here.) My overall goal is to be functional in casualty so that I can serve as a resource on days that I am there but to visit all the other wards, asking questions and searching for educational topics to present in the future. This presented some need for further preparation and thought as I have never worked as a nurse anywhere else but emergency. We have been working to improve our children's educational experience, figure out Tracy's future role in the hospital and keeping an ear to the ground in regards to all things corona. Hence, between study, work and life, I did not make time to write. (Note the confession of not making time. I don't want to make the excuses).
Here I sit now, on the most holy and celebrated day of the Christian calendar, Resurrection Sunday. Our inability to meet together as the body of Christ in the time of covid isolation pushes us to pursue other means of edification. Instead of sharing my own thoughts on the day, as many others can do it more effectively, I thought I would simply share the contents of my study this morning. I felt that they covered all spheres of my thinking, feeling and believing. If you choose to check them out, I hope that you will be blessed and strengthened with a greater faith and love for our risen Redeemer.
Paul - The apostle's exposition on the bodily resurrection of Christ. https://www.esv.org/1+Corinthians+15/
John - Piper answering a 15 year old young man's question about the importance of the resurrection.
Greg - Bahnsen being Bahnsen. If this is your first exposure to his teaching, know that it's heavy sledding. Perseverance will pay great dividends.